The Moslem Shrine Reception Unit was chartered May 23rd 1983. The Unit is responsible for various duties at Receptions, Ceremonials, Elections and Special Events. The Unit escorts dignitaries and their wives into various functions, helps Demolay at Sweethearts Balls handling tickets and money. We also assist with maintaining order at events. At Ceremonials, we tile doors and assist with candidates. At elections, we tile doors and have charge of ballots. We also participate in parades and help driving cars in parades.
Membership in the Reception Unit is available to any member of Moslem Temple that is in good standing. There are no other requirements.
Approximate Cost
There is no initiation fee to join our Unit. Annual dues are $10.00. Our uniform is tuxedo or gray jacket with black pants and Shrine tie.
Probationary Period
There is no probationary period.
Our Units meets the forth Monday of every month, except July and August, at 7:00 PM for a business meeting and fellowship in our Unit Room at the Shrine Auditorium and Conference Center.
We attend the Potentate’s Ball, All Units Party, Golf Outings, Shrine Picnic and other functions put on by our Shrine. Our Unit has great camaraderie in the rank that socializes regularly and has a splendid Unit party once a year with our ladies. We also attend other functions by other Units or Shrine Clubs during the year. If requested, we will work at any of these functions.
How to Join
Come to a Business Meeting on the forth Monday of the month, except July and August, contact any Reception Unit member. You may also contact Reception at the Shrine office for more information. Call 248-569-2900 or email