The Provost unit was chartered on September 20, 1962. We are the security unit of Moslem Shrine. At one time, this unit was only opened to police officers. About 40 years ago, that changed. Now all other Shriners can join. We currently have active and retired police officers in our unit, along with many different agencies and we are always looking for a few good men. The invitation is open to all Shriners, new or current members.
Open to all current or new Shriners in good standing. We provide security to all functions of Detroit Shrine.
Probation Period
One year probation period. Members must attend all unit functions or duties. A request to be excused must be made to any officer of the Provost unit.
Estimated Cost
$20.00 dues with application and after one year you must have all uniforms which would cost an estimate of $700.00.
Our unit meets on the 3rd Monday of every month, except July and August. Meeting time is 7pm. We are always in our unit room around 5pm for social hour. There is also great fellowship and food at our meetings. We have a very good group of men, with lots of knowledge on security matters. We also try to have ladies night on our meeting night. The ladies play games, cards, and have their own fellowship. NOTE: January is the only month we meet on the 3rd Tuesday due to our election of officers.
Our main function is to perform security details at all of our functions, mainly the parades and circus, and any other details the Potentate may request. We try to socialize whenever we can. We also try to take the ladies out for a big dinner every year.
How to Join
Come to any regular meeting on the 3rd Monday at 7pm and ask for an application.
You may also contact Reception at the Shrine office for more information. Call 248-569-2900 or email recorder@detroitshriners.com.
Your membership with the Provost Unit will be with open arms. You will be joining the greatest philanthropy in the world. Now come with us and help promote the success of Moslem Shriners. Your enjoyment depends on how much you are willing to give. Our promise is to make your time rewarding. Please let us hear from you, as we are always looking for a few good men.