The Moslem Shrine Legion of Honor Unit is the veterans unit of the Shrine. The Unit commands the highest degree of respect from all Shriners for their unselfish service in defending the freedoms we take for granted every day. We are a marching unit and we provide the Color Guard for all parades and various other Temple functions. The Legion of Honor Unit, whether marching or riding in our flatbed truck is always accorded the position of highest honor at the front of all parades, where we lead our nobility in pursuit of honor and integrity for God and our Country.
The objective of the Legion of Honor Unit is to foster a spirit of patriotism, love of country and its flag, and to perpetuate the memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice in the service of their country. Our military uniform consists of crimson red Eisenhower jacket and deep blue pants with blood red stripes.
Our Unit is a great way to stay connected and involved with Shriners that are presently serving or formerly served honorably in the military. If you are interested in serving our Country, our Fraternity, and our Temple, the Legion of Honor Unit is an excellent choice.
Membership in the Legion of Honor Unit is available to any member of Moslem Shrine Temple that is in good standing and is serving or has been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of their country. This includes service in the National Guard, Reserves, Merchant Marines, and Coast Guard.
Approximate Cost
There is no initiation fee to join our Unit and our annual dues are $20.00 for retired members and $30.00 for working members. We have numerous uniforms available free of charge for new members. We are unable to estimate the price of a new uniform because we have not had to purchase a new uniform for many years.
Probationary Period
Our Unit has requires that new members spend one year as a probationary Legion of Honor member.
Our Unit meets on the second Monday of each month, except July and August, at 6:30 PM for a business meeting and fellowship in our Unit Room at the Shrine Auditorium and Conference Center.
During the spring, summer, and fall months, we participate in Shrine parades throughout the Detroit area. Our Unit members have the option of either marching in parades or riding on our flatbed truck. After parades, we often have a short get together for our members.
How to Join
Come to a Business Meeting on the second Monday of the month, except July and August, or contact any member of our Unit. You can also contact Reception at the Shrine office for more information. Call 248-569-2900 or email recorder@detroitshriners.com.