
The Lakeside Shrine Club is a great way to stay connected and involved with Shriners living east of Woodward Avenue and along Lake St. Clair.

Membership in the Lakeside Shrine Club is available to any member of Moslem Shrine
Temple that is in good standing. There are no other requirements.

Approximate Cost
There is no initiation fee and our annual dues are $10.00.

Probationary Period
There is no probationary period.

Our Club’s Membership meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM at Gourmet Manor, 29730 Groesbeck Highway, Roseville, Michigan 48066, tele- phone 586-771-6030. Please join us for a great dinner and fellowship.

Our Club has great fellowship. We have dinner together at our monthly membership meetings. In April, we hold a joint Hazel Park Race Night (Ladies welcome) with the Rochester Shrine Club. On the Sunday before Memorial Day, we hold an afterglow following the St. Clair Shores parade. In October, we hold a joint Oktoberfest at the Carpathia Club in Warren, Michigan (Ladies welcome) with the Rochester Shrine Club and in December, we hold a joint Holiday party with the Rochester Shrine Club (Ladies welcome). Please join us for great food, fellowship, and fun!

How to Join
Anyone interested in joining the Lakeside Shrine Club should come to one of our meetings, contact any Lakeside Shrine Club member or contact Reception at the Shrine office for more information. Call 248-569-2900 or email