The Shrine Golf League was established in 1967 to increase fellowship among Detroit Shrine Temple golfers. The league is a great way to stay involved with other Shriners in the Detroit area.
The Shrine Golf League is open to anyone, not just Shriners. Our hope is that non-Shriners will enjoy the fellowship and be encouraged to join our fraternity.
Approximate Cost
$75.00 , which includes prize closet to pin, Spring Meeting, Pick-Nick, Awards Banquet.
Probationary Period
There is no probationary period.
The Golf League plays on Tuesday mornings starting at 9:00 A.M. shot gun start beginning in April and playing through September at Hickory Hollow Golf Club. The Address is 49001 North Avenue Macomb, MI. 48042. Between 22 mile rd. and 23 mile rd. on North Avenue. Telephone: 586-949-9033.
We have a Spring Meeting, a weekly golf league play April through September, and an Awards Dinner to close out the season. Please join us for great food, fellowship, and fun on the golf course!
How to Join
Anyone interested in joining the Moslem Shrine Golf League Club may contact:
Arthur J. Brdak (President), Ph. 586-291-2291 or
Don Koory (Treasurer) –
Ray Moore (Secretary) –
Charlie Ferguson (Vice-president)
Visit our website at