The Brass Band is a musical unit within which its members strive to have a good time and to promote camaraderie. Both of these desires are to further the fun, work and joy of Shrinedom. We endeavor to provide musical entertainment at Shrine functions including parades, ceremonials, the Shrine Circus and Child Care parties.
Membership in the Brass Band Unit is available to any member of Moslem Shriner Temple that is in good standing and has a love of music and a decent ability to read and play music.
Approximate Cost
There is no initiation fee to join our Unit. Annual dues are $20. For dress occasions we wear dark blue/black slacks and white dress shirt. The accompanying sport coat and tie can be obtained from Baron’s Clothier in Farmington Hills, where the band has an account; cost $125. For parades, we wear dark pants and an embroidered, short-sleeved parade shirt, the shirt which can be obtained from Jeannie Buchanen for $40.
Probationary Period
There is no probationary period.
Our unit meets every other Tuesday at 7 pm for a combination, mostly-practice and business meeting in our unit room; refreshments many times follow.
During the spring, summer and fall months, we participate in parades at various Michigan cities. We ride on our float and entertain crowds with our music. Besides the parades, we perform at ceremonials and for other organizatlions. In December, we hold an annual Holiday party with our ladies. Please join us for great food, fellowship and fun.
How to Join
Contact Reception at the Shrine office for more information. Call 248-569-2900 or email recorder@detroitshriners.com.