Blue Water

The Blue Water Shrine Club is a great way to stay connected and involved with the Shriners in the Port Huron community.

Membership in the Blue Water Shrine Club is available to any member of Moslem
Shrine Temple that is in good standing.

Approximate Cost
There is no initiation fee. Annual dues are $10.00.

Probationary Period
There is no probationary period.

Every three months on the third Tuesday at 7pm. Meetings are held at the Port Huron Temple 627, Sixth St., Port Huron MI 48060.

Our Club has numerous activities planned throughout the year. We are well known for
our All Masonic Christmas Party in January and our Shrine High Twelve Field Day during the summer. Please join us for great food, fellowship, and fun in the Blue Water Community!

How to Join
Anyone interested in joining the Blue Water Shrine Club should come to one of our meetings, contact any Blue Water Shrine Club member for more information, or contact Reception at the Shrine office for more information. Call 248-569-2900 or email