The Detroit Shrine Arab Patrol Unit is a precision marching team. The Unit was chartered in 1894 and is the oldest unit in the Detroit Temple. Over the years, the Patrol has been an awesome sight marching down the street in Shrine parades doing their precision drill in vast sections of Shriners. A Patrolman feels no other unit can take the place of his precision drill team. Nothing compares to the thrill he experiences when his precision drill team marches in a parade with hundreds and even thousands of applauding sidewalk spectators. The Patrol has a national organization called SPANA, which meets annually at the Imperial Shrine Convention. After 15 years of membership, patrolmen are eligible to join the Veterans Patrol Unit. This organization meets once a year to renew old friendships, much like U.S. Servicemen, to elect officers, and to enjoy a fine banquet. Don’t take our word for all this information about the Arab Patrol Unit! Membership in our Unit is not expensive, marching is great for your health, and you and your lady will make wonderful, lasting friendships.
Membership in the Arab Patrol Unit is available to any member of Moslem Temple that is in good standing. It is not necessary that you have previous marching experience; our officers will train you to be a precision drill team member. Nobles that are unable to march long distances in parades ride on a nicely decorated trailer.
Approximate Cost
There is no initiation fee to join our Unit. Annual dues are $10.00. The cost of our stylish white uniform with shoes, braids, ascots, and of course, the swagger stick is approximately $200.00.
Probationary Period
There is no probationary period. During the first year of membership, a new patrolman has no additional duties, although your participation in three of the five Shrine parades we participate is appreciated.
Our Units meets the first Monday of every month, except July and August, at 7:00 PM for a business meeting and fellowship in our Unit Room at the Shrine Auditorium and Conference Center. Drill rehearsals are also held at the Shrine Auditorium on the first and third Monday of the month from March through May at 7:00 PM.
During the spring, summer, and fall months, we participate in five Shrine parades at various Michigan cities. Patrolmen look forward to parades and socializing afterwards. We compete in National Convention Parades and have won numerous awards. Our maneuvers are not difficult to learn, and you will appreciate the applause from the sidewalk spectators as you parade down the street. Our Unit is a competitive group with great camaraderie in the rank that socializes regularly and has a summer picnic and a splendid Unit party once a year with our ladies.
How to Join
Come to a Business Meeting on the first Monday of the month, except July and August, or contact Reception at the Shrine office for more information. Call 248-569-2900 or email recorder@detroitshriners.com.