The Moslem Shrine Americans Unit was chartered in 1969. Our Unit is well known for our “Wild West” re-enactments in local parades involving cowboys, Native Americans, Cavalry troopers, bandits, a sheriff and his deputies. Our objective is to further enhance Unit members’ satisfaction of the Detroit Shrine Temple, while becoming proficient in entertaining audiences at parades, ceremonials, and other Shrine events as requested.
The concept of the Americans Unit was developed with the intent of simulating our early American heritage of the cowboys and Native Americans. The Unit depicts the days of old by creating images of cowboys, Native Americans, Calvary troopers, bandits, a sheriff and his deputies performing in the streets in full costume, while on a stagecoach, covered wagon, or motor bikes complete with simulated horse heads mounted to the handlebars.
Membership in the Americans Unit is available to any member of Moslem Temple that is in good standing
Approximate Cost
There is a $35 initiation fee to join our Unit. Annual dues are $32.50. The cost for someone to make a cowboy, Indian, Calvary trooper, bandit, sheriff, or deputy costume varies and can cost up to $150. In many cases, our Unit is able to provide a new member with a costume free-of-charge.
Probationary Period
There is one year probationary period. During the first year of membership, a probationary American is expected to attend all monthly meetings and to participate in at least three Moslem Shrine parades. Probationary members may be excused from meetings and parades due to work, vacation, illness, or any other good reason.
Our Units meets the third Monday of every month, except July and August, at 7:00 PM for a business meeting and fellowship in our Unit Room, which resembles a “Wild West” saloon, at the Shrine Auditorium and Conference Center.
During the spring, summer, and fall months, we participate in parades at various Michigan cities. Theatrics include a popular Native American attack on a covered wagon and stage coach, complete with a call to the cavalry to save the day, and the crowd favorite, the scalping of General Custer. Our second theatric is the “hold up” of a stagecoach by bandits followed by the sheriff and his deputies pursuing the robbers, and ends with a gun fight and the recovery of the stolen money bags.
How to Join
Come to a Business Meeting on the third Monday of the month, except July and August, or contact Reception at the Shrine office for more information. Call 248-569-2900 or email recorder@detroitshriners.com.