The Rawsonville Shrine Club originally formed as an unchartered Shrine club named the Rawsonville Rebels in circa 1978. The club was later chartered as the Rawsonville Shrine Club on 7-24-1982 with Jack Riggs being the first president. In the early days, the club had an annual pig roast and numerous other outings with family members to promote fellowship. Today, the Club continues to have regular events to promote fellowship and assist needy children. The Club is a great way to stay connected and in volved with Shriners in the Rawsonville area community.
Membership in the Rawsonville Shrine Club is available to any member of the Detroit Shriners that is in good standing. There are no other requirements.
Approximate Cost
There is no initiation fee. Annual dues are $5.00.
Probationary Period
There is no probationary period.
Our Club meets on the third Wednesday of every month at 4:30 PM at the Lodge Lanes, located 46255 I-94 S. Service Drive, Belleville, Michigan 48111, telephone 734-697-9178.
Our main function is to raise money for Child Care and Shriners Hospitals for Children. To enable our ability to do so we have numerous fund raising events planned throughout the year. Funds are raised by selling Easter flowers, selling ice at the Michigan International Speedway (MIS) in Brooklyn, Michigan, and occasionally conducting a charity poker event. We also have social events to promote the Shriner experience through fellowship and fun.
How to Join
Anyone interested in joining the Rawsonville Shrine Club should come to one of our meetings or see a Rawsonville Shrine Club member. You may also contact Reception at the Shrine office for more information. Call 248-569-2900 or email recorder@detroitshriners.com.